諮商輔導預約/轉介系統 Counseling and Care Service System
發布日期 2020-08-10 10:57:00
個別諮商晤談 Individual Counseling |
諮商輔導個別晤談是一種具專業性的談話,和一般閒聊不同,透過晤談提供來談者建設性的幫助。 Individual counseling is a process through professional conversation to provide productive assistance, which is different from causal talk. 晤談時程:原則上,以一週一次為原則,毎次約50分鐘至1小時,晤談次數則依個人情況而定。 Generally, each session typically lasts between 50 minutes to 60 minutes and is once a week. However, the frequency and duration of counseling will depend on one's circumstances. 除依法規定特定需通報之事件外,所有晤談內容均是保密的。 The contents of counseling are confidential, except for specific situations related to a legal obligation that must inform the authorities. |
師長轉介Teacher's Counseling Referral |
本校師長們若有發掘班上或服務的學生,在身心健康或校園適應等方面有所困難,諮輔中心也非常歡迎師長們將同學轉介至中心接受關懷與晤談。 Teachers who notice a student struggling with physical, mental health, or life adaptation, please refer the student to the Counselling Center for further help. 點選連結進入系統後,轉介系統會詢問您所了解的學生狀況,您所提供的資訊對於後續追蹤關懷學生有非常大的幫助,我們會根據您的轉介資訊與同學聯繫,請老師們不吝填答。 By clicking on the link and entering the Counseling and Care Service System, and the referral system will ask you about the status of students you know. The information you provide is very helpful for following up with and assisting students. Your information is greatly appreciated. |