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資源教室單位簡介 About Us

發布日期 2020-03-05 08:03:00

組織依據  According To


單位簡介  About Us

諮商與輔導中心資源教室(簡稱資源教室)為專責單位,協助對象為大專校院身心障礙學生在校學習具特殊教育需求者,為使其順利就學適應,訂定特殊教育方案 ,在校期間提供學習輔導、生活輔導、支持協助及諮詢服務等,使其充分發展身心潛能、培養健全人格,增進社會服務能力。

The University is committed to providing equal and integrated access for individuals with disabilities to all the academic, social, cultural, and recreational programs it offers. Our goal, at Disability Services, is to provide services and support to ensure that students are able to access and participate in the opportunities available at Wenzao Ursuline University of Language.
In keeping with this objective, students are expected and encouraged to utilize the resources of Disability Services to the degree they determine necessary. Although a significant degree of independence is expected of students, Disability Services is available to assist, should the need arise.


服務流程圖  Our Services

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地理位置  Location


Location:Administration Building 1F

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連絡電話  Phone


Phone:07-3426031 ext. 2280、2281、2282、2283、2284

開放時間  Opening

星期一到五8:00 - 17.00


Monday to Friday 8:00 AM- 17:00 PM

In case of special cases, our office will extend the office hour.